Missionary English in Atrium… You are welcome!

Here in the missionary center “Atrium” you can find amazing meetings of an English-speaking club. We come together every Wednesday and talk about the Orthodox faith in English.
Our previous meeting took place at the 9th of November and was connected with the Orthodox teaching about the life after death.
1) We restored the text about the saints, uniting its parts by reading them one after another. You can find the text in the document added to the previous news.
2) We listened to the retelling of a small topic about the sin and repentance, the Mystery of confession.
Basic vocabulary: sin, fall short of, assume, condemn, confess, overcome, faithful.
3) We’ve completed the Bible quotes and thought over the key ideas of each quotation. You can read then in the added document.
Basic vocabulary: alive, countless, firstborn, Mediator, covenant, honor, rejoice, suffer.
4) We discussed several questions:
— Why do we pray for the souls of the departed?
— Why do we pray to the saints?
— Why do we venerate the relics of saints?
To answer this question we watched video, mentioned in the previous review.

What about the next meeting?
Date: Wednesday, November 16.
Topic: Why do the Orthodox Christians venerate icons?
Time: from 8.00 pm till 9.30 pm (20.00-21.30)
Place: missionary center «Atrium» on Romenskaya 12, at the parish house of the Church of Saint Peter, the Metropolitan of Moscow, underground station «Ligovsky prospect».
Contacts: 8950-000-27-46 (Tanya), https://vk.com/eng_fr_sp_orthodox_christian
Video recommended: «The Sign of the Cross, Icons, and Tradition in the Orthodox Church»

The Holy Bible about LIFE AND DEATH.doc


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