Discover the history of the Church with Atrium!

Discover the history of the Church with Atrium!

English-speaking club at the missionary center «Atrium» welcomes you every Wednesday evening!

Last time, on October 12th, we were talking about…
1) The LIFE of an outstanding missionary of Ireland, Saint Patrick, and enriched our vocabulary with curious words from the text about him.
Check yourself by the following list: pagan, Hebrew, spiritual, Persons, shepherd, enlightener, slave, monk, staff, vestments, prophecy, Gospel, Eucharist, shamrock, conversion, Confession, preaching, trials, vision, mission, sorcery, priesthood, earthly life, monastic life, consecrated, entrusted.
2) The VIDEO we watched was about Jesus coming into the Matthew’s house and telling the parable of the prodigal son. The task was to find the link between this video and St. Patrick’s life and comment on it.
3) During the Orthodox TEACHING studies we’ve got acquainted to the basic topics of our future studies. You can find them in the previous news and in the added article. The students were given the hand outs for home reading and learning.

Next time, on October 19th, we’ll learn more about the history of the Church.
Topic: «Where is the true Church?»
Date: Wednesday, the 12th of October.
Time: from 8.00 pm till 9.30 pm (20.00-21.30)
Place: missionary center «Atrium» on Romenskaya 12, at the parish house of the Church of Saint Peter, the Metropolitan of Moscow, underground station «Ligovsky prospect».
Contacts: 8950-000-27-46 (Tanya),
You can also watch this video before coming: «Orthodox Christianity Coming into the Faith»

The Orthodox Church.doc
St. Patrick’s Life.doc


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