«Beware: mental snares. How not to be caught?»
This will be the next topic for our English-speaking club in Atrium. Let’s talk about the heresies that are set like traps on our way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Date: Wednesday, November 30
Time: from 8.00 pm till 9.30 pm (20.00-21.30)
Place: missionary center «Atrium» on Romenskaya 12, at the parish house of the Church of Saint Peter, the Metropolitan of Moscow, underground station «Ligovsky prospect».
Contacts: 8950-000-27-46(Tanya), https://vk.com/eng_fr_sp_orthodox_christian
Last time, on November 23, we were talking about our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
1) We’ve thought over verses from the Gospel:
— «Before Abraham was, I am» (Jn 8:58)
— «Your sins are forgiven» (Matt. 9:2)
— «My Lord and My God» (Jn 20:28)
— «You have said so» (Matt. 26:63-64)
— «I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me» (Jn 14:6)
— «I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it» (Matt. 16:18)
2) We’ve got acquainted to the sayings of the holy fathers about Jesus Christ, matched the parts and worked with English tenses.
St John Chrysostom´s:
«Christ is the head, we are the body…. He is the foundation, we are the building; He is the Vine, we are the branches; He is the Bridegroom, we are the bride; He is the Shepherd we are the sheep; He is the Way and we are the travelers; again we are the temple and He is the occupant; He is the firstborn, we are the brothers, He is the Heir, we are co-heirs; He is the Life, we are the living; He is the Resurrection, we are the resurrected; He is the Light, we are the illumined»
St John Maximovitch’s:
«Christ calls all to Himself, but not all respond to His voice. Whoever opens his heart to Him becomes His temple. The Lord comes to him and dwells in him. The heart then is filled with peace, and the soul with inexpressible blessedness and love; the will is strengthened in goodness, and the mouth glorified God in Heaven»
Other curious gleanings from Orthodox Christian authors and the holy fathers you can find here: